We are a whānau based workshop nestled below the beautiful peaks that surround the sparkling Arrow River.

Our Philosophy
To carve and provide greenstone jewellery that forges meaningful connections between individuals, New Zealand, and their loved ones. An ever-changing story to be held and worn with honor. With great aroha and kaha, the greenstone binds us all.
Carving meaning into stone
A voice echoes from each carve of every greenstone, forming taonga (treasure) to be worn with mana (spiritual power) – an extension of the bearer’s soul. The ebbing, flowing nature of the story of life is reflected in every unique style from the Toki and Koru to Hei Matau, Pikorua and Porowhita – Each becomes a precious symbol of our health, hardships, and triumphs. And with each set of hands it touches, the pendant begins to create its own narrative, the mana of the greenstone’s grows.

From Father to Son
Traditions of stonework, passed down through generations, from father to son and father to son. My father life’s work surrounding him in this workshop carving bevels that beam with Maori heritage, and ridges filled with the essence of his iwi – Ngāti Kahungunu.
30 years of traditional carving
Pounamu is not a stone that can be hammered into shape. Well if you tried it wouldn't be with much precision at all. It is 1.5 times harder than tonson steal and therefore was valued for its density and toughness and its ability to hold a sharp edge.